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Movie Comments

masstiehemd 12/14/2012
Undoubtedly, I d'nt like tattoos..... Your guy is rather elegant and always the same story in solo, it begins well.... Beautiful face, elegant suit, nice tie,rather attractive and then very fast tie that slips until be naked to ejaculate!!!! And very fast

LORIS 12/14/2012
I don't see any distinction at all when naked - far too much tattoos for my taste. What a pity as the guy looks great in suit&tie - he could be an ideal young baron de Charlus.

Always same solo story. Your guys will be nacked to fast and slip off the Cloth. More fetish fun in suit and tie will be better

Will love to see Johnny wearing long sheer plain the ones used by Justin Harris in Cops. Gentlemen looks so hot in sheer socks!

sidevents 12/15/2012
I have noticed over the years a common complaint on the films, is they take the clothes off completely or too fast, why not give the customers what they ask for , that is the success of any business. Just a thought to ponder...

sidevents 12/15/2012
Matt told us a long time ago they can not just go to a bank or a company where suits are the uniform of the day and recruit guys for their fetish films, most porn stars do have the TATS, unfortunately. They are not usually conservative business types.

RQUEST 12/16/2012
Ooooh! - John John John! - He is certainly dishing out the "heat" in an extra sexy way - wish those tnt socks and laces were in my lap for some playtime fun. I admire how he chose to show off the footwear and socks at the start of film. Johnny looks gr

Not my type at all. This video does absolutely nothing for me.

klaus 12/16/2012
sexy man

nardot 12/17/2012
Très beau mec , " au naturel " pas hyper musclé , pas rasé , mieux encore s'il avait porté un slip blanc sous son pantalon ! love from Paris et joyeux Noël à toute l'équipe !

Matt/Rico...we are ready for next movie trailer. Bring something steamy with suits and long sheer socks (blue or brown). Tease all of us!


Not a fan, but was really looking forward to the bowtie. Maybe in future videos.

Johnny Hazzard is very sexy and this video is great!!Thumbs up!

rabelais 02/24/2013
a very nice boy !! j'adore ce visage et cette bouche, oui vrai avecun slip il serait plus excitant et quelle belle giclée !! j'aime

Snabb og kjekt! jeg liker hans gifteringer også. Han er veldig populær i US. Nå her han endret seg. Han hadde aldri på seg så pene dresser!

totally sexy

protoskore 09/05/2014
i can't understand who would love this - he looks like a dirty old man.